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School Uniform


  • white polo shirt with Longford logo or white blouse or white shirt
  • grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • grey or black trousers or grey or black shorts
  • red sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
  • grey, black or white socks / grey tights 
  • flat black shoes (no trainers) with buckles, velcro or laces


Games Kit

  • white t-shirt with school logo
  • plain black shorts
  • plimsolls (indoor use)
  • trainers (outdoor use)

PE kit should be named and kept in a draw-string bag in school.  We ask children to take their PE kit home at the end of each half term and that parents check that everything still fits – you’d be surprised how quickly they grow out of their plimsolls/trainers!  It would be helpful if all children could dress and undress themselves with the minimum of help.  Please allow them to practise in the summer holidays when there is more time.  Children are not allowed to take part in PE or games without the correct clothing, and it is the responsibility of parents and of the children themselves to ensure that the correct clothing is available at all times during the term.

A black reversible jacket with the Longford School logo is also available to purchase.

We ask that Reception children have wellingtons and a waterproof in school at all times (where possible) for use in all weathers in the outside play area.  Wellington boots must be clearly marked.  A named clothes peg helps keep them together.

The Friends of Longford School (FOLS) operates a second hand uniform shop, see FOLS pages for details.

We appreciate your co-operation in sending your child to school wearing the correct Longford school uniform, but should you feel you are unable to provide the items for financial reasons, do feel free to come and discuss this with Mrs Knipe, in confidence.

Please note: Jewellery should not be worn to school.  The children can wear a watch.  In the interests of safeguarding, children are not permitted to wear smart watches. Mobile phones should not be brought to school.  Any such devices will be kept in the school office until hometime.    

Order Uniform

We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.

You can now order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by following the link:

You can order & pay online.

There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as our approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts. Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.  

We hope you will find using this new service an improvement in our school uniform supply.