Information and Support for Parents
Communication is key between the school and parents. Mrs Knipe has an ‘open door’ policy and welcomes all to come and talk to her at any time if they wish. She is usually on duty first thing in the morning. If you are not able to come into school please feel free to send an email to the school office. Other members of staff are usually available to speak to you before or after school each day.
Please see our Admissions Policy below.
The welfare and safety of our children is paramount. The Safeguarding Lead is Louise Knipe. The Deputy Safeguarding Leads is Jill Broomfield. The Safeguarding Governor is Nic Ford.
Please see the Safeguarding and Policy pages.
Please see the Attendance Policy below.
What happens if my child is unwell?
You need to inform the school of any absence due to illness. For further guidance you can view the NHS website.
You may also find Growing Well Wiltshire App useful. Please see the link:
Term time holiday requests
As you may be aware the regulations governing Term Time Holidays have changed.
It remains the case that, under the current legislation, head teachers continue to have the power to authorise leave of absence where exceptional circumstances are evident. The Local Authority will continue to adhere to the legislation and guidance offered by the Department for Education.
Section 444A and section 444B of the Education Act 1996 give powers to the Local Authority (LA) to issue Penalty Notices where the parent/carer is considered capable of but unwilling to secure an improvement in their child’s school attendance.
Penalty Notices are issued for absence taken during term time where a pupil’s overall attendance is less than 90% and the leave of absence has not been authorised by the school or an absence has not been requested in advance and pupil has had a minimum of 10 sessions (5 school days) lost to unauthorised absence during the previous six months in the academic year and additional unauthorised absence during the previous twelve months up to and including the day the Education Welfare Service is notified.
What is Unauthorised Leave of Absence?
A parent has made a request for leave of absence in term time and this has not been agreed by the school;
- A parent has not applied leave of absence in advance of the absence (the regulations do not allow retrospective approval); or
- If the parents keep the child away from school for longer than was agreed, the extra time is recorded as unauthorised
When can Leave of Absence be authorised?
Amendments made to the 2006 regulations in the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Reducing absence from school is a key priority at both national and local level. Missing school reduces a pupil’s educational attainment and life chances.
What happens if there is a weather warning or national event?
The school will inform you of any closures via email and the school website, taking into account advice or instruction from the Local Authority or Government.
For Pupil Premium-
Please see the Key Information tab.
For financial information see-