School Performance Data
Key Stage 2 SATs
Every May children in Y6 undertake a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test, Maths test and Reading test. They complete writing tasks that are assessed by the teacher. Science is also assessed by the teacher. To demonstrate that pupils have met the expected standard for Y6, teachers need to have evidence that a pupil demonstrates consistent attainment of all the statements within the standards set out in the Interim Assessment Framework for 2017. For a comparison of Longford CofE Primary School pupils' achievement against National averages, please click on the link at the bottom of the page. You can also see how Longford CofE Primary School compares with other schools in the DfE League Tables.
2023 Data Headlines
Having small cohorts means our data sometimes fluctuates. We are pleased with most of our data outcomes this year and will use our school improvement plan to address areas that need support, taking into account pupil context for each year.
- EYFS- 100% of reception pupils achieved a GLD –higher than national: Local Authority- 68.2%. The school is in the first percentile for GLD.
- Phonics Y1- 80% of pupils achieved the statutory phonics assessment check –above Local Authority- 78.9%
- KS1 83% of pupils achieved expected for reading. The cohort includes pupils with SEN. Local Authority-63% The school is in the 10th percentile for reading.
- KS1 RWM -50% Local Authority-54% This is a small school cohort and includes pupils with SEN.
- KS2 83% of Y6 pupils achieved expected for reading-higher than national-73%. The school is in the 25th percentile nationally for reading.
- KS2 33% achieved greater depth for reading. The national figure for greater depth was lower at 28.9%.
- KS2 42% of pupils achieved expected for maths.
- KS2 75% pupils achieved expected for writing. The school has risen in the percentile rankings.
- KS2 25% of Y6 pupils achieved greater depth for writing.