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Welcome to the new school year after the summer break, Mrs Broomfield is the class teacher and Miss Mills is our teaching assistant.  We have had a busy start to the new term, getting to know new members of the class, routines and thinking about our goals for year 5 or year 6.  In Philosophers, we enjoy STEM sessions on a Friday, which often includes working outside in the nature garden and pond area. 

Parents and carers are invited to visit the classroom on Monday 9th September, between 3.20 and 4.00, to meet class teachers. This is an informal session where you have a chance to see the learning environment and a quick chat with me.  Parents' evening will be in the week beginning 23rd September, appointment letters will be sent home shortly.

Please see the curriculum planner, weekly timetable and welcome letter below.

Home learning: learn weekly spellings; Mathletics online learning; read at least 4 times to an adult.

PE is on Tuesday. Please bring a white t-shirt, blue/black shorts and trainers.  A plain tracksuit is optional as the weather gets colder. 

Follow the link to discover the education pack our children helped to develop.  


We completed our first day learning about fossils and making our own fossils. 

Today we did a river study, a nature walk and ended the day with a campfire sing-song.

We left school with very excited children. We managed to get all the bags and cases on the bus.