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Welcome back to term 5. I hope you had a lovely Easter break.

This is a very busy term as the Year 6 children prepare for SATs and look ahead to the transition to secondary school.  They are busy planning a fun afternoon to share with their parents and a disco to celebrate with all their friends at Longford. 

We will be visiting Throope Down (SSSI) again. Children learn a lot about sustainability, fragile ecosystems and identify flowers, butterflies and moths. 

Year 6 will be visiting the Cathedral (20.06.24)for a special leavers service for children and the Chalke Valley History Festival (25,06.24), an engaging day when history comes to life.  


Well done to all the children in Philosophers Class, you have been very busy learning and having fun.  The children made hot cross buns to share with everyone who attended the Easter service on Tuesday afternoon. 

We completed our Enquiry challenge by creating a pizza with the least air miles.  The children made pizza to end their enquiry. 



To end the day, we had some Easter fun. Due to the weather, we had to cancel our Easter egg hunt. Instead, we pinned the tail on the rabbit, which caused a great deal of laughter and interesting places for the rabbit's tail. 


Have a lovely Easter break. Let's hope for some warmer and drier weather.






Philosophers have been very busy this term.  We have explored evolution, adaptation and classification.  We have written biographies about Charles Darwin and a new chapter for our class text- Darwin's Dragons by Lindsay Galvin.   

Our new enquiry is 'How big is our footprint?'.  We will consider where our food comes from, how far it travels and how we can make a difference to our own carbon foot print. See National curriculum expectations below. Follow the link to discover the education pack our children helped to develop. 

This term the children will continue with our  6-week dodge-ball course on Friday. PE kit is required; a white t-shirt, blue/black shorts and trainers.  A plain tracksuit is optional as the weather gets colder.

Philosophers Class enjoyed sharing books with Explorers class.  





In the Autumn term  we made soup and bread for our Harvest Festival Service. It was lovely to share our poems, prayers and produce the children grew last year. 



Have a lovely half-term break.


Our enquiry question this term is 'How are lives saved?'  We have learnt about the circulatory system, drawing and painting hearts and making 'blood smoothies' to help understand the parts of blood.  

A big thank you to Paul from Trustworhy Services and the mini-medics workshop. Philosophers enjoyed a first aid workshop on Friday.  We learnt about basic first aid, the contents of a first aid kit, CPR and different types of bandages.  Children had fun using bandages and manikins to practice their skills.  We learnt about defibrillators and their importance in helping save lives.  



The children were very busy, sharing experiences and learning from last week.  They enjoyed sharing activities with the class. 

We are very excited about our new enquiry curriculum. Ask your child about it. To find out more, join us on Friday 29th at 9.00 for celebration worship. FoLs are running a coffee morning straight after; they will have tea and coffee, biscuits and possibly cake. Please join us to share the children's learning and achievements. 

Home learning this week: learn weekly spellings; Mathletics online learning; read at least 4 times to an adult.

PE is on Tuesday. Please bring a white t-shirt, blue/black shorts and trainers.  A plain tracksuit is optional as the weather gets colder. 


We completed our first day learning about fossils and making our own fossils. 

Today we did a river study, a nature walk and ended the day with a campfire sing-song.

We left school with very excited children. We managed to get all the bags and cases on the bus. 






We enjoyed our picnic lunch.

Our first activity was low ropes, this was very exciting, some water was involved ending up with damp children. Scroll down to see some photos of the fun and challenges the children have had. 





Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a lovely summer break. 

Mrs Broomfield is the Class teacher, Mrs.Dyde and Mrs Brockway support learning in the classroom. 

It was great to see the children back in school.  We have welcomed new members to Philosophers Class this week, the children have been getting to know each other making new friends and ready to be the excellent role models we have come to expect from Year 6. Well done everyone a brilliant start for us all.  

I am very excited about the year ahead as we begin our enquiry curriculum, we have started with an enquiry about our local community, Why is our local community important?  We have discussed what makes a community, where do they belong and how we contribute to the community in which we live.  They have looked at the rights of the child and class rules, why it is important to have rules and why it is important to have a voice as a child in school. 

On Wednesday some of Philosophers Class will go to Hooke Court on our annual residential trip. This year we have a geography focus of exciting activities and fun. Including an orienteering and a camp fire. 

Watch this space for pictures of our adventures at Hooke Court.