At Longford music is taught weekly as a class using Charnga music program. Children enjoy listening to and learning songs from different genre of music, from Abba to Bob Marley and Mary Poppins. In addition. we offer music lessons to children in Key Stage 2, there is a cost attached to lessons. If your child is interested in learning an instrument please contact the office or speak to Mrs Broomfield, lessons are very popular and there may be a waiting list. If your child is interested in learning an instrument not listed please let us know.
We currently offer; Piano and choir with Mr Woodhouse; ukulele with Mr Martin (year 5 and 6); recorder, flute or clarinet with Mrs Hooper, violin with Miss Trenched and Guitar with Mr Coggins.
At longford we perform to parents in our Christmas production and Nativity (KS1), and sing regularly in school and at St. Peters church.