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Collective Worship

Psalm 1:3 forms an essential part of our whole school vision.

' You are like a tree planted by the water, bearing fresh fruit every month. Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.'

We often talk about and explore the meaning of Psalm 1:3 and the importance of the gift of service and being caring.  The children explore this further through learning across the curriculum, including Religious Education, P.S.H.E  and the Arts. 

Collective Worship takes place every day -see the Collective Worship Policy- focusing on values and morality, through stories from the Bible and other faiths, and using resources such as the Christian 'Values for Life' scheme. 

We are warmly supported by the Chalke Valley Benefice and Reverend Ruth Howlett-Shipley.  We also work closely with The Bridge.  We regularly visit St Peter's Church, Britford. 

Our Worship themes this term Friendship and Wisdom.